As a valued client of Ubie, our web design company, we utilize IONOS mail to manage your email accounts securely. To ensure the utmost protection, you must regularly change your IONOS account password. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to change your password for improved security:

Step 1: Accessing the IONOS Account Login Page

Open your web browser and go to the IONOS account login page using the following link:

Step 2: Logging Into Your IONOS Account

Enter your IONOS account username and current password in the respective fields. Click on the "Log In" button to proceed.

Step 3: Navigating to the Password Change Section

Once logged in, navigate to the account dashboard. Look for the "Settings" or "Account Settings" option, usually in the page's top right corner. Click on it to access the account settings menu.

Step 4: Initiating the Password Change Process

Within the account settings, locate the "Change Password" option. Click on it to start the password change process.

Step 5: Verifying Your Identity

For security purposes, IONOS will request verification of your identity. You may receive an email or SMS verification code depending on your account settings. Enter the code in the designated field to proceed.

Step 6: Creating Your New Password

Now, it's time to create your new password. Follow these guidelines to ensure a strong and secure password:

Use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters.
Include numbers and special characters.
Avoid using easily guessable information, such as your name or birthdate.

Step 7: Confirming the New Password

Once you've entered your new password, confirm it by re-entering it in the provided field.

Step 8: Completing the Password Change

Click the "Save" or "Change Password" button to finalize the process. Your new password is now in effect and will be used for all future logins to your IONOS account.

Step 9: Keeping Your Credentials Secure

Remember to store your new password securely and avoid sharing it with others. Regularly changing your password enhances the security of your IONOS account and protects your sensitive data.